Call for Interview uhamiaji 2024

Call for Interview uhamiaji 2024

Call for Interview uhamiaji 2024.The Immigration Services Department is established under Section 4(1) of the Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No.8 of 2015.  It gives the Department the authority to control and facilitate immigration issues in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Department is one of the security organs under Ministry of Home Affairs.

Call for Interview uhamiaji 2024

The Department of Immigration announces to young people who applied for employment through the Office of the Commissioner General of Immigration, to come to the interview that will be held in the Hall of Auditorium – CIVE located in the Department of Computer Science and Visual Education in University of Dodoma (UDOM) on Saturday the 24th of February, 2024 at 1:00 in the morning.

For those who applied through the Central Immigration Office in Zanzibar, they must arrive in the hall of Dr. Ali Mohamed Shein located in Tunguu Central District Region South Unguja on Saturday February 24, 2024 at 1:00 am.
All applicants must arrive with Original Certificates; Certificate of Birth, National Identification Number or National Identification Number (NIDA), Certificates of Qualification, Certificate of completion of Preliminary Military Training from JKT/JKU, Other certificates of Graduation in various fields with a blue ink pen.

Applicants whose Field Structure is required to be registered with the Professional Boards, they are required to arrive with Registration Certificates as well as Licenses to work in the respective fields. APPLICANTS WHO DO NOT ARRIVE WITH ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE ADMITTED CONDUCTING AN INTERVIEW.

In addition, all interviewees are required to pay for their own food, transport and accommodation during the whole period relevant exercise.


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