Research Scholarships on Fisheries at the University of Dares Salaam 2023, Apply Now
Research Scholarships on Fisheries at the University of Dares Salaam
Call for Application
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Masters students (with background in fisheries or environmental sciences or social sciences) who have successful completed their coursework and need research support to undertake research in fisheries focusing on transition of fishers from vulnerability to viability.
Research can be conducted in Zanzibar or in Tanzania Mainland or both. Scholarships are provided by the Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Global Partnership, which is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, with the Waterloo University as the Lead Institution. The Partnership aims to identify the diverse factors and conditions contributing to the ‘vulnerability’ of small- scale fisheries and engage collaboratively with small-scale fishing communities and other key NGOs, government and universitv partners to enhance small-scale fisheries viability.
The Partnership is conducting transdisciplinary, community engaged research in six countries in Africa namely Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania and in six Asian countries namely, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand. The scholarships will be granted for up to 12 months and will cover tuition fee, stipend, research costs and other costs as specified in
the Prospectus of the respective University.
Applications Procedures
The application package should consist of;
- A CV (maximum 2 pages)
- Letter of Reference from at least one academic referee
- Letter of Motivation explaining why you wish to participate in the programme ( maximum I page
- Bachelor degree certificate
- Confirmation of successful completion of the course work from any University in Tanzania.
Applicants from disadvantaged groups are highly encouraged to apply.
The deadline for submission of applications is 30* September 2023.
Applications should be submitted electronically to the Dean, School of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology through with a copy to Dr Julius Francis ( and Dr Batuli Yahya
Incomplete applications will not be considered.